Traject: Reactivity on leash (NL version)
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Traject: Reactivity on leash (NL version)

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Have you followed the webinar and do you want more?

Do you panic with every strange dog?

Because you know your dog will fall out? Or because you never know for sure, sometimes your dog will fall out, other times not. There doesn't seem to be a level!

During this hugely popular 3-month trajectory you will be guided by Liz Wolting herself, and she will teach you everything about dropping out behavior on a leash and especially how you can walk relaxed with your dog again!

The process takes place via a whats-app group in which you and your fellow students can send your questions and videos to Liz every day. Liz will restore this on a daily basis (with exceptions) and guide you step by step through feedback and voiceovers.

Because you also see the questions and videos of your fellow students, you learn a lot in this short period.

During the process, 4 Q&A's will take place in which you can ask all your questions live, you will receive extra explanations and assignments. These Q&A's are always recorded so you can always watch them back.

Oniontrap behavior is extremely annoying for you, but certainly also for your dog.

If you do nothing about it, this behavior can even develop further and your dog can eventually react to more and more things, create other behavioral problems and / or show reversed aggression (where he bites into your leg, arm or hand). Of course you don't want this!

Therefore, do not hesitate any longer and register now.


Who is giving this webinar?

Liz Wolting

Founder of Animal's Faith and active in the animal world for 20 years, of which 14 years under the name Animal's Faith.
Liz helps more than 1000 dogs and their owners every year with all kinds of problem behavior, with dropout behavior frequent. Liz has plenty of experience in solving this problem behavior and does this in a fun and easy to understand way.

Yes! I want to sign up!

Do you also want to be able to walk your dog in a relaxed way?

Then don't wait any longer and register now!

This process will start on 15 September 2023

The costs are for an early bird ticket EUR497 and for a regular ticket EUR547

This webinar takes place online and can be followed from anywhere in the world. All you need is zoom and connect to the internet.

The route is suitable for all (future) dog owners. Even if you don't have a dog (yet), the information you get during the lecture is extremely interesting. Owners who have a dog that has already fallen out are of course completely at home here!

You can participate in the program with the whole family

The process takes 3 months

Send us an email via [email protected] and we will place you on the waiting list. With sufficient registrations, Liz starts a process in English. 

Sure! Every day at Animal's Faith we train dogs that have seen many trainers and behaviorists. Nevertheless, we can help the dogs and their owners. We are therefore convinced that we can give you new insights and advice during this webinar, regardless of how many training courses you have already followed.

During the webinar, an explanation is given about the 3-month trajectory that you can follow, so that you will be helped to learn to walk your dog in a relaxed way for 3 months. In this process you and your fellow students are in a what's app group with Liz Wolting herself and you can fire all the questions you have at her. By sharing videos you will receive tips on how you can ensure that the walk is relaxed for both yourself and the dog, specifically focused on your situation. Of course you also get the stories and videos of the rest and you also learn a lot from this!

Voor de vroegbeslissers, mensen die de resultaten van het eerdere traject hebben gevolgd en zeker weten dat ze direct mee willen doen, kun je nu het traject al kopen met €50,- korting. Er zijn slechts 5 Earlybird plekken, dus deze zijn enkel voor de snelle beslissers.

Deze workshop vindt plaats in Maastricht; Ankerkade 158b in Maastricht.

We proberen het op minimaal twee personen per aanmelding/hond te houden.

Ik kan op deze datum niet, en nu?

Geen probleem! Kijk gauw op welke andere data de workshop ook nog plaatsvindt! 

Zeker! Dagelijks trainen we bij Animal's Faith honden die al vele trainers en gedragsdeskundigen hebben gezien. Toch kunnen wij de honden en hun baasjes verder helpen. We zijn er dan ook van overtuigd dat we jou nieuwe inzichten en adviezen kunnen geven tijdens deze workshop, ongeacht hoeveel trainingen je al hebt gevolgd.